Wessex Dyslexia Tutors’ Group
In September 1986, due to an increasing need for specialised tuition for dyslexic children and adults, I developed my first Wessex Dyslexia Teaching Course which I gave to a group of qualified teachers.
After giving two further courses in 1987, I founded the Wessex Dyslexia Tutors’ Group. Subsequent courses built up the group to over thirty tutors.
The group met fortnightly for continued in-service training, discussion and support. Guest speakers were invited to talk to the group ensuring continued professional development. Members attended courses, seminars, lectures and workshops in order to further their skills and expertise in dealing with dyslexia.
The lessons took place in the tutor’s home or at the child’s school. Members of the group were invited to work within both state and private schools in the area on a regular basis. This enabled close liaison and discussion to take place with the pupils’ school teachers. The tuition and support from the tutors was available to the pupil and parents for as long as required.
This was an interesting and innovative period in my professional career.
Though many of the teachers are now retired, this specialised teaching programme has had far reaching benefits for children across Hampshire and Dorset.